Episode 73 – Zelda Handhelds

The Legend of Zelda is perhaps most famous for being one of the flagship franchises on Nintendo consoles, expanding into the third dimension and consistently innovating as time has marched on. However, the franchise has also had its fair share of exploration on handhelds beginning with Link’s Awakening and continues to this day on the …

Episode 72 – Vanillaware w/ Pragmatik

The story of Vanillaware, an Osaka-based Japanese game developer, is one that could’ve been showcased in failure. The company’s first game almost shut down the company, but they later would regroup and continue working on video games, putting out some of the most original and interesting titles on more recent generations of consoles. Today, we …

Episode 71 – Card and Board Games 2

Going all the way back to Episode 3 where they covered Board and Card Game based titles, Mike and Justin are back at it, revisiting the theme but adding in some new twists and turns. This time around, they’re focusing on featuring video games that are board/card games utilizing gaming’s top franchises. From conversations about …

Episode 70 – Paradise Killer w/ Composer Barry” Epoch” Topping

Every now and then a game comes out that features a soundtrack that puts the fire back in our VGM lovin’ hearts. Paradise Killer is exactly that kind of OST. The XVGM Radio guys are joined by Barry “Epoch” Topping, the composer of (what Mike considers) the best VGM soundtrack of 2020. From the vocal-infused, …

Episode 68 – Anime Game Music w/ G to the Next Level

What happens when video games and anime collide? You get video games based on anime, of course! Mike and Justin are joined by fellow-anime lover and Sega mega fan, George aka G To The Next Level, where the guys really hit it off celebrating video games based on anime and their stellar music. Diving deep …

Episode 65 – Winter Trax 2: Icelectric Boogaloo

Happy Holidays to all! For the final episode of 2020, in what’s been an absolutely bonkers world, Mike and Justin take a moment to sit down and enjoy the holidays together (socially distanced, of course.) What follows is a celebration of winter and holiday music of the video game variety, discussions about getting dat nut, …

Episode 64 – Classics vs Covers w/ Lucia La Rezza

Classics versus Covers has been done by XVGM Radio before, but never with a solo artist! Today’s episode is a treat, as Justin and Mike sit down with Lucia La Rezza, an Italian violinist and all around fan of video games. From her beginnings with the Game Boy to her self-admitted Playstation obsession, Lucia is …